

The leading and most trusted beauty clinic in Indonesia. Latest treatment technology. Supported by professional Doctors & Experienced Beauty Therapist.

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Perfect Beauty

With Lulu Clinic

Lulu Clinic is a beauty clinic that is committed to providing quality facial and body care with our experience and expertise, we believe that everyone has the right to receive quality care and the right solution for their beauty needs

We offer a variety of facial and body care services specifically designed to meet each individual's unique needs. Our team consists of professionals who are skilled and experienced in their fields, ready to help you achieve your best appearance. Visit Lulu Clinic now and give your skin the care it deserves. We are ready to help you achieve your best appearance and maintain the beauty of your skin with extraordinary results.

Our Team

Good business with strong team member make excellent partner.








Beauty Therapist

Our Beauty Treatment

Get the Best Beauty Services in Medan

We help you get the best facial appearance by combining the art and science of aesthetics to create holistic facial beauty and beauty using innovative methods from a professional and ideal aesthetic point of view. The solution that Lulu.id offers is a combination of a cream program, medical treatment by professional doctors and aesthetic treatment by experienced beauty therapists, supported by high artistic taste and sophisticated aesthetic technology.

Quick Hair Free Underarm

Quick Hair Free Underarm is a treatment to permanently remove hair in the underarm area if done 6-8 times, once per month.

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Quick Hair Free Top Lips

Quick Hair Free Top Lips is a treatment for the permanent removal of hair above the upper lip/mustache if done 6-8 times, once per month.

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Shine Booster

Shine Booster is a skin treatment that involves injecting beneficial nutrients into the skin layers with the aim of stimulating a glowing and radiant complex...

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Baby Glowing Skin

Baby Glowing Skin is a treatment designed to rejuvenate the skin by enhancing moisture and activating fibroblasts. It can also reduce wrinkles when done regu...

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PRP Face

PRP Face involves injecting PRP into the skin to stimulate regeneration and the growth of new collagen tissue. The ultimate result is smoother skin texture a...

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Rejuvenation is a beauty treatment technique that is useful for concealing signs of aging such as fine lines and wrinkles on the face, as well as spots, resu...

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HD Lifting - Forehead & Eye

HD Lifting - Forehead & Eye is a non-invasive treatment designed to smooth, tighten, and shape the skin for an overall youthful appearance. This treatment st...

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The leading and most trusted beauty clinic in Indonesia. Latest treatment technology. Supported by professional Doctors & Experienced Beauty Therapist

Lulu Videos

Without seeing what we have done, without experiencing by ourself then it is still incomplete. Our videos are the glimpse what we have achieved.


Fioren Ivana,A.Md.Par

Dengan Sering Merawat Diri Kamu Bakal Lebih Pd Untuk Bertemu Dan Tersenyum Dengan Orang Orang Yang Banyak. Ayoo Ke Clinik @cliniclulu.id.

Alya Elfa Chaniago

Menjadi Public Figure Tidaklah Mudah. Maka Dari Itu Saya Mempercayakan Clinic Kecantikan @cliniclulu.id Untuk Merawat Diri Saya.

Callista Wijaya

best clinic in town ✨ harganya juga murah2 bgt , mesin yg di pake jg ud canggih bgt . aplg nail artnya recommend!

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09:00 - 23:00


Concepto ID 2nd Floor Alfalah Street No. 19, Medan

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